Season finale of tandem paragliding rosy

After an extremely long streak of stormy days where flying would have been completely reckless, we are now soon approaching a good phase again where tandem paragliding will be possible unimpeded for many days. Wheather and wind both OK. An end to six days of strong Föhn that made itself heard and seen in the news.

Tuesday the northwesterly might be a little strong but probably nice for smooth helicopter starting with our passengers and then from Wednesday on it looks like it will be classic tandem paragliding with some light running to start. Presumably the thermals will be good too and will allow for longer flights.

We have to note at this point that after Sunday the lifts close in Zell am See Kaprun only to reopen on the 9th of May. In the meantime however we will still take you flying from the Gaisberg in Salzburg for instance.